Some Frequently Encountered Blockers (Self-defeating Unconscious Habit Patterns (Post #2)

In my last Post, I explained how to turn Self-Defeating Unconscious Habit Patterns – Blockers – into Self-Supporting Ones.

In this and my next few Posts, I want to help you to learn to recognize the Blockers that are getting in the way of having what you want in life or being who you want to be so that you can start to Resolve them into Self-Supporting Unconscious Habit Patterns.

In this Post, I am going to focus on describing types of Blockers and providing examples of commonly encountered Blockers so that you can home in on and start Resolving them.

Types of Blockers

Cybernetic Transposition categorizes Blockers into four types, each resolvable through a different approach. These categories are:

• Normal Blockers

These are the simplest and least entrenched Blockers. They involve only your normal personality. You might think of them as individual leaves on a tree.

For example, if when you first meet someone who attracts you romantically, you exaggerate or even lie to them because you feel you need to impress them so they will like you, you are probably expressing a Normal Blocker.

This is the type of Blocker addressed by the Base Reframing Process in my eBook System Chapters I gave you in my last Post.

• Nested Normal Blockers

These are clusters of Normal Blockers, each responding to more or less the same Stimulus. So when you have resolved one, another pops up. You might think of them as a branch of a tree with many leaves or even the trunk of that tree with many branches and leaves.

For example, if you exaggerate or lie to people in many different types of situations to make people like you, you are probably expressing Nested Normal Blockers.

• Cell-Level Memory Blockers

These are much more profound Blockers that interfere with both your Conscious and your Unconscious perception of who you are, at the deepest level. You might think of them as single roots of a tree.

For example, you might find yourself saying to yourself, “I lie to people because otherwise they won’t like me. I am just unable to be what they want and I will never be, no matter how much I try.” That is almost certainly a Cell-Level Memory Blocker in operation, expressing a lie about who you are. That is, you are NOT “unable,” you just have one or more Blockers in the way.

• Nested Cell-Level Memory Blockers

These are the Blockers that are the most destructive. They severely distort both your Conscious and Unconscious perception of who you are, in many different subtle variations at the deepest level. You might think of them as forming the entire root structure of a tree.

For example, you might find yourself saying to yourself, “I am just unable to be loved, to be accepted for who I am. I am toxic. Anyone I get close to turns on me. I think that I am just not good enough to be loved.”

Note the variations on the theme of being unlovable – unloved, not accepted, toxic, turns on me, not good enough to be loved. This pattern almost certainly involves Nested Cell-Level Memory Blockers.

Following on with this tree metaphor, you will probably find numbers of such Blocker Trees in your life, each dealing with a different aspect of what makes you less successful than you want and pulling down the quality of your life.

The Good News Is…

…that Cybernetic Transposition teaches you how to resolve each of these types of Blockers… and that I have given you two Chapters of my eBook System that show you how to get started resolving Normal Blockers.

Here is the link to those Chapters in case you haven’t already downloaded them.

I am giving you both the Print and the Audio Book Versions. If you listen to the Audio Book version while reading, it will probably greatly accelerate your learning process.

Chapter 4B and 4C pdf and Audio

Examples of Blockers

I am now going to start describing some commonly encountered Blockers.

The Procrastination or Avoidance Blocker

This is a very familiar type Blocker.

Most of us have encountered it repeatedly in our day-to-day lives.

You may talk about the operation of a Procrastination Blocked as “putting things off” or “I’ll get to it later.”

For now, let’s focus on what it is like when your Procrastination Blocker is operating.

For example, you know that you should start preparing your tax return right now but you “suddenly realize” that you have to write a letter to a friend that you should have sent a week ago. In the process, you forget about working on your tax return until you later remember.

In this hopefully hypothetical case, you ran into a Procrastination Blocker because the Subpersonality expressing it concluded it was safer or more successful for you to put off doing what you had set out to do.

Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder.

- Mason Cooley

While Procrastination usually involves a conscious awareness, the Avoidance Blocker Variation of this is usually operates entirely Unconsciously.

“Cats are dangerous companions for writers because cat watching is a near-perfect method of writing avoidance”

- Dan Greenburg

Here is an example of the operation of the Avoidance Blocker Variation of this.

As usual, you drop your keys in a little box on your desk when you come home.

Later, when it’s time to leave for an important meeting, you go to pick up your keys from that little box and they aren’t there.

In increasingly panicky fashion, you frantically search all over the house for your keys but you just can’t find them.

Finally, it’s too late to make the meeting so you call the person you were supposed to meet and make some excuse. But you realize from their tone of voice that you just missed an opportunity.

Then you go back to the little box on your desk and there are your keys, just where you originally looked.

What happened?

Your Avoidance Blocker took over and “blanked” your visual system – just as I described in the Appendix to my Post #1. It did this because it “concluded” that it was safer or more successful for you to miss the meeting.

Why did that happen?

That’s unique to you. But if it was a big opportunity, perhaps early in your life a big opportunity turned into a disaster so the Subpersonality expressing your current Avoidance Blocker “concluded” that it was much safer for you to avoid such big opportunities.

Here is another example of an Avoidance Blocker at work.

You are facing an important deadline for completion of a project you have been working on for months and you know that if you work almost straight through from now until you that date, you will make it. But you fall asleep right in the middle of reading a key memo, amazingly enough right in the middle of the day, ensuring that you miss your deadline.

What We Have Covered Today

In this Post, I have described my typology of Blockers and provided examples of commonly encountered ones so that you can home in on and start Resolving the Normal versions of them using the Tactics presented in the Chapters I have given you.

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