Why and How Do We Fail? (Post #8)

In my second Blog, I introduced you to the Cybernetic Transposition Three-Step that consists of:

  1. Setting a precise Target that is accepted and supported by your conscious mind and all major aspects of your Unconscious.
  2. Prioritizing that Target so your Unconscious. remains closely focused on achieving it, no matter what you are consciously doing or thinking.
  3. Resolving the Unconscious Roadblocks that would otherwise prevent you from reaching your Target.

And I pointed out that when you perform each of these steps properly, you have a nearly 100% probability of achieving your Target, even if it seems to be impossible.

In this and my next two Blogs, I am going to focus on Step 3, Resolving the Unconscious Roadblocks that would otherwise prevent you from reaching your Target.

The first reasonable question is:

What are these roadblocks and how do they arise?

The answer is that they are Unconscious Habit Patterns that were initially Successful but through a change in Context have become Self-Defeating.

“In practical reasoning a strategy is self-defeating when following it interferes with achieving the goals it sets out to further.”

- Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy

The Unconscious Habit Pattern, itself, has not changed. Rather, what has changed is what we think is successful and unsuccessful, Self-Supporting or Self-Defeating.

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

- William Shakespeare

“You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

To now convert those Self-Defeating Unconscious Habit Patterns to Self-Supporting ones requires changing those Unconscious Habit Patterns themselves.

The greatest impediments to changes in our traditional roles seem to lie not in the visible world of conscious intent, but in the murky realm of the unconscious mind.

- Augustus Y. Napier

How that process works and how to change Self-Defeating Unconscious Habit Patterns to Self-Supporting ones are what I will discuss in this and my next two Blogs.

How Unconscious Habit Patterns Are Created

Whenever we have encountered a situation that our Unconscious deemed as important, for which we had no established response in the form of an Unconscious Habit Pattern, our Unconscious Invented what it deemed to be a Successful response.

It is important to realize that all Unconscious Habit Patterns started out as Successful responses and then became embedded in our Unconscious in unchanged form for the rest of our life.

“We are always the same age inside.”

- Gertrude Stein

To date, the only exceptions have been when it was so painful – so Masochistic – to continue a Self-Defeating Unconscious Habit Pattern that we consciously forced our self to repeatedly exercise an alternative behavior until that repetition changes the pattern.

That is, to say the least, a very difficult, stressful and, usually, unsuccessful process.

For example, how many times have you consciously committed to losing weight and keeping it off?

Most people will reply, “Too many times.”

And has that approach succeeded?

Most will say, “No! I weigh even more now.”

I am writing a book, Becoming a Highly Successful Entrepreneur, that I talk about in my companion Blog on Entrepreneurship.

I bring that up because the way that almost all first-time Entrepreneurs learn to be successful (the few that actually do) is by repeatedly trying and failing, trying and failing. And when you fail as an Entrepreneur, that often means bankruptcy, losing everything material… and often losing marriages and relationships, which is an extremely painful process.

For example, Henry Ford failed repeatedly before becoming materially extremely successful.

Of course, he wasn’t so successful in other areas of life, among which was being a big supporter of Adolph Hitler whose remarkable need for control matched Ford’s own. In similar fashion to Hitler, Ford employed over 1,000 thugs to beat up anyone who preached unionism or otherwise opposed him on his premises.

For example, Steve Jobs who was fired from Apple, the company he co-founded because he’d nearly destroyed the firm and who failed completely with his next firm, NEXT, before finally becoming the remarkably creative and materially successful CEO of Apple.

Jobs in this reincarnation not only brilliantly pulled Apple from the edge of bankruptcy to an incredibly successful company with the highest stock market value in the world (as well as about $75 billion in the bank), he radically changed three industries – music, computers and phones. He also bought Lucasfilm’s special effects division, turned it into Pixar and, in the process revolutionized animated films and became the largest stockholder in Disney.

While not everyone will agree you me, it is my perceptions that, unfortunately, the accrued anguish of his failures eventually killed him, which I view as a great loss.

Of course, as in the case of most successful Entrepreneurs, their tempering in the fires of repeatedly trying and failing has made them much wiser and stronger. But that’s an extremely painful way to go through life.

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

Consciously changing an Unconscious Habit Pattern has always been extremely difficult and painful and that’s what’s kept psychiatrists and therapists in business with such long-term patients.

At Least That Has Been The Case Until Now

Fortunately, during the past 30 plus years, I have Invented and tempered ways of teaching you to rapidly, easily, consistently and permanently change your Self-Defeating Unconscious Habit Patterns into Self-Supporting ones.

These are ways that have worked successfully with over 70,000 people from all walks of life and are the basis of Step 3 of the Cybernetic Transposition Three-Step Process.

…Continued in my next post.

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