Make Your Life a 10
Because Blockers are so familiar, we typically take them for granted – and in doing so, we limit our Successfulness. Thus, an important step in sharply increasing your Successfulness is to recognize when your Blockers are operating. Until you do, you may erroneously conclude that you have no control over that part of your life [...]
In my last Post, I explained how to turn Self-Defeating Unconscious Habit Patterns – Blockers – into Self-Supporting Ones. In this and my next few Posts, I want to help you to learn to recognize the Blockers that are getting in the way of having what you want in life or being who you want [...]
In Post #8, I introduced you to the unconscious performance limit blocker. I explained that unconscious performance limit blockers are tricker than most. In order to raise your glass ceiling, you have to resolve your unconscious performance limit blocker. Unfortunately, unlike most Blockers, this is easier said than done. That is because with the other [...]
In my last Post, I pointed out that Blockers are so familiar, we typically take them for granted – and in doing so, we sharply limit our Successfulness. The first step in rectifying this is to recognize when your Blockers are operating. Once you do, you will be able to replace these Blockers with Self-Supporting [...]
During the 1970’s, BIC entered the U.S. market with a disposable razors and basically destroyed the market for the rather unchanged Gillette razor. As a result, Gillette went into the disposable razor market aggressively. But over the next 20 years, disposable razors became a commodity business where price ruled and Gillette’s profits fell so dramatically [...]
In 1895, King Gillette, a traveling salesman, looked at his dull straight razor that had to be stropped, decided he didn’t want to do that again and invented the safety razor. He was entrepreneurial and had been searching for a product – one that had to be used and replaced – around which to build [...]
Only a fool takes a venture away from its founding entrepreneur. It’s something like taking a baby away from its mother. William Crapo Durant put together General Motors by talking a series of hard-headed automotive entrepreneurs into trading his essentially worthless stock for his company. He was terrific in selling dreams but a disaster as [...]
Blake Mycoskie first visited the country of Argentina while competing in the second season of The Amazing Race with his sister in 2002. He returned there on vacation in January 2006, where he noticed that the local polo players were wearing a form of shoes called alpargatas; a simple canvas slip-on shoe that he himself [...]
When I was a kid, about 5 years old, I invented the steam engine by observing how the lid of a pot was moving up and down as the water within it boiled. The fact that someone had observed something like the same thing 200 years earlier makes no difference. I didn’t know that and [...]