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Getting Help: Bonus Secret 6

Most people need some help in changing their habits. And, if you haven’t yet found your Perfect Partner or, if you have but haven’t developed a wonderful relationship with him or her, it’s almost certain that you’ll have to change some of your habitual behavior. That can be really tough and most people need some [...]

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Secret 5: Check Whether You’re Both Headed in the Same Direction. And Keep Checking.

Over the past few days, I’ve told you four of the Secrets of Romantic Success. Here’s the fifth. Secret 5: Check Whether You’re Both Headed in the Same Direction. And Keep Checking. When the moon rocket left the ground, it was aimed as precisely as possible… and it would have missed the moon by tens [...]

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Secret 4: Don’t Try to Fool Them. Show Them Who You Really Are.

Once you think you’ve found your Perfect Partner, let them know exactly who you really are. If you’re their Perfect Partner, they’ll like you just the way you are. If you aren’t, they’ll eventually try to change you or reject you. So you might as well find out right now. Carefully listen to and observe [...]

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Secret 3 of The Five Secrets of Romantic Success

Today, I’ll discuss the third Secret of Romantic Success. You can sharply up your chance of achieving romantic success if you follow the five secrets of romantic success that I discuss in this series. Secret 3: Really Listen If you listen carefully to both your Perfect Partner candidate and your own reactions, they’ll tell you [...]

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Secret 2 of The Five Secrets of Romantic Success

Continuing with my discussion of the five Secrets of Romantic Success in finding your Perfect Partner and creating relationships with them that really work for you, here’s a reminder of some of what you’re headed toward if you do what I describe, the four characteristics of a successful romantic relationship. The partners support each other [...]

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Secret 1 of The Five Secrets of Romantic Success

From time to time, I will address specific areas of becoming successful. Given the proximity of Valentines Day, I decided it’s time to talk about Romantic Success. There are five Secrets of Romantic Success so there will be five posts on this subject. Today’s is the first. Successful romantic relationships have the following four characteristics: [...]

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