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Trust, Mistrust and Disappointment (Post #1)

Because Blockers are so familiar, we typically take them for granted – and in doing so, we limit our Successfulness. Thus, an important step in sharply increasing your Successfulness is to recognize when your Blockers are operating. Until you do, you may erroneously conclude that you have no control over that part of your life [...]

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Some Frequently Encountered Blockers (Self-defeating Unconscious Habit Patterns (Post #2)

In my last Post, I explained how to turn Self-Defeating Unconscious Habit Patterns – Blockers – into Self-Supporting Ones. In this and my next few Posts, I want to help you to learn to recognize the Blockers that are getting in the way of having what you want in life or being who you want [...]

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Homing in on your Earning Power, Unconscious Performance Limit, Your Glass Ceiling (Post #3)

In Post #8, I introduced you to the unconscious performance limit blocker. I explained that unconscious performance limit blockers are tricker than most. In order to raise your glass ceiling, you have to resolve your unconscious performance limit blocker. Unfortunately, unlike most Blockers, this is easier said than done. That is because with the other [...]

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Your Very Own Glass Ceiling (Post #4)

In my last Post, I pointed out that Blockers are so familiar, we typically take them for granted – and in doing so, we sharply limit our Successfulness. The first step in rectifying this is to recognize when your Blockers are operating. Once you do, you will be able to replace these Blockers with Self-Supporting [...]

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I previously explained how changes in Context turn Self-Supporting Unconscious Habit Patterns in Self-Defeating Ones. I call these Blockers, because these Self-Defeating Unconscious Habit Patterns block you from getting and/or being what you want. A few common Blockers include procrastination, depression, binging, confusion, fatigue and perfectionism, among many others. I’ll discuss common Blockers more fully [...]

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In my previous Posts ( 4 and 5 ), I explained how changes in Context turn Self-Supporting Unconscious Habit Patterns into Self-Defeating Ones. I call these Blockers, because these Self-Defeating Unconscious Habit Patterns block you from getting and/or being what you want. A few common Blockers include procrastination, depression, binging, confusion, fatigue and perfectionism, among [...]

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This is a continuation of my last post on “Why and How Do We Fail?” In my second Blog, I introduced you to the Cybernetic Transposition Three-Step that consists of: Setting a precise Target that is accepted and supported by your conscious mind and all major aspects of your Unconscious. Prioritizing that Target so your [...]

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Why and How Do We Fail? (Post #8)

In my second Blog, I introduced you to the Cybernetic Transposition Three-Step that consists of: Setting a precise Target that is accepted and supported by your conscious mind and all major aspects of your Unconscious. Prioritizing that Target so your Unconscious. remains closely focused on achieving it, no matter what you are consciously doing or [...]

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Three Steps to Becoming More Successful (Post #9)

Have you ever felt frustrated, unable to achieve the success you want? Almost everyone has. Today, I am going to show you why that happens… and what you can do to turn things around… using only your ordinary skills. Conceptually, achieving anything involves three steps. Deciding what you want to achieve. “If you don’t know [...]

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Taking Your Success to a Higher Level (Post #10)

Background In my first Post, I told you how to become more successful by making small changes in the way you consciously deal with the world. In this and my next Post, I’m going to talk about what’s required to sharply ratchet up your successfulness to a much higher level. The bottom line is that [...]

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